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Amazon Sword - 5cm Pot

Amazon Sword - 5cm Pot

Regular price $9.95
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Amazon Swords

Amazon Swords 5cm Pot are one of the oldest-kept plants in the hobby, loved for their ease of care and ability to tolerate a wide range of conditions.

Amazon Swords can grow 20 inches tall or more, making them a great choice of background plant for larger aquariums or centerpiece for small aquariums.

Amazon Swords 5cm pot have long, pointed leaves which are bright green to dark green in color. Angelfish have even been known to use Amazon Sword's large leaves as a surface to lay eggs.   

  • Easy To Care For
  • Grows Large
  • Great for Angelfish

Family: Alismataceae
Care Level: Easy
Growth Rate: Moderate
Maximum Size: 16 Inches
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Water Conditions: 60.8-82.4°F; 6.5-7.5 pH; 8-15°dH
Lighting: Mild to moderate
Propagation: Vegetative; runners
Placement: Mid-ground

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