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Anubias Emerald Heart Plant

Anubias Emerald Heart Plant

Regular price $25.00
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Anubias Emerald Heart Plant

One of the most well-liked and durable freshwater aquarium plants is the aubius. The good news is that Anubias are hardy, making them an excellent beginner's plant. Anubias is known for its robust root system, thick rhizome, and long-lasting green leaves. Anubias are excellent foreground, midground, or even background plants, depending on the variety. In either case, it can provide any aquarium with a vibrant, long-lasting splash of green.

Because of its durability, it can be kept in a variety of environments. It is popular for a variety of aquariums and paludariums because it can grow both partially and completely submerged. It is ideal for covering the substrate and providing habitats for bottom-dwelling fish (like loaches and catfish) because it is one of the shortest plants available. As a result, there is more room for swimming above the water.

Lighting specifications:

Anubia's simple lighting requirements make it easy to take care of. Anubias are able to thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions, from dim to bright.Anubias plants will grow slowly in tanks with low light.

Maintenance and Care

Anubias Emerald Heart Plant is one of the easiest plants to maintain because it is a slow-growing species and can grow more quickly at higher lighting levels. However, algae can grow on the tops of its leaves more easily. It will only require occasional trimming (when the stems become excessively long).

If you don't keep the tank clean, the buildup of pollutants will eventually turn toxic and kill any living things in it.  Your plants will have more access to light for photosynthesis as a result of this.

The water provides the plant with nutrients as it grows. Its growth will slow down if there aren't enough nutrients.

There are numerous nutrient supplements that you can purchase in stores if you believe that this is the reason why your plants are not growing. Utilizing substrates rich in nutrients is yet another choice. Simply be cautious that you're not adding an excessive number of supplements or you could support green growth development.

Since CO2 is absorbed during photosynthesis, you could add it for the same effect; however, Anubias nana is able to survive on the CO2 that fish expel during respiration. Your fish will suffer harm if too much CO2 is added.

Family: Araceae

  • Common Name: Anubias
  • Size: Large
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Maximum Size: 7.5 inches
  • Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Water Condition: 72-82°F, pH 6-7.5, 3-8 KH
  • Lighting: Low-moderate
  • Propagation: Rhizome division
  • Placement: Foreground to background

Attention TAS & WA Customers: Unfortunately due to state restrictions, we are unable to send Live Plants to TAS & WA

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