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Komodo Basking Spot Bulb ES 100W

Komodo Basking Spot Bulb ES 100W

Regular price $15.00
Regular price Sale price $15.00
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Komodo Basking Spot Bulb ES 100W

A basking lamp made specifically for desert and tropical species.

Any diurnal reptile, amphibian, or invertebrate species can use Komodo Basking Spot Bulbs as a perfect heating and lighting source.

This bulb uses 90% of its energy to emit beneficial warming infrared rays, effectively directing heat to the desired basking location and ensuring optimal animal thermoregulation.

The optimal heat source for efficient thermoregulation and metabolism. Moderate output of UVA rays stimulate appetite and the immune system. Can be thermostatically controlled for safer use. Focused beam effectively directs heat toward the basking site.

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