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Assorted Crypts in pots

Assorted Crypts in pots

Regular price $9.50
Regular price Sale price $9.50
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Assorted Crypts in pots, are one of the aquarium industry's most common plants.

Due to its toughness, ease of care, and ability to thrive even in low light, it quickly gained popularity.

The ruffled, pointed leaves of this medium-sized crypt, which will be bronze to red in color,

make it an excellent aquarium midground plant.
Crypts can grow to about 8 inches tall, but they don't grow very quickly.As it grows, it will produce new plants by producing runners.

  • Local to:Asia's Expertise:
  • Simple Placement:
  • Co2 Requirement in the Midground:
  • The Fertilizer of Choice :
  • Root Tabs and Liquid Fertilizer are excellent sources of nutrients for Cryptocoryne wendtii.

Cryptocoryne leaves are will "melt."

However, as soon as they become established, they will begin to produce new leaves.

Due to the nature of the product Assorted Crypts in pots, sizes may differ from those shown.

A balance of light, fertilizer, nutrients, and carbon dioxide (CO2) is necessary for successful plant growth.

Easy-to-care-for plants may not require fertilizer or CO2, but they will thrive when these are used. Each species of plant requires different amounts of each to thrive.

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